INREMP is a seven year project that entered into force on 12 April 2013, with original completion date in June 2020. The total cost of the project is USD 148.62 million, financed by an IFAD loan of USD 20 million; an ADB loan of USD 100 million; a GEF grant (through ADB) of 2.5 million; an ADB Climate Change Fund (CDF) grant of USD 1.41 million; and the Government of the Philippines (GOP) counterpart financing equivalent to USD 24.71 million. The project development objective is to increase rural household incomes and local government unit revenues in selected watersheds in the upper river basins (URB). The Project is supervised by the ADB as IFAD Cooperating Institution.
In July 2020, the Project was restructured to reallocate part of the funds to support activities under the Bangon Marawi Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Recovery Programme (BMCRRP), as requested by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on 30 June 2020. Key changes introduced by the restructuring include: the reallocation among loan categories to ring fence funds in support of the BMCRRP (estimated at USD 7.093 million of the IFAD loan); change of lead agency for the INREMP-BMCRRP investment from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to the National Irrigation Administration (NIA); extension of the project completion and closing dates by 12 months, to 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2021 respectively; change of supervision modality from ADB-delegated to directly by IFAD. The related amendment of the INREMP Financing Agreement was signed in October 2020. The withdrawal conditions were fulfilled in December 2020 and the first disbursement, also executed in December 2020.
The INREMP-BMCRRP investment covers two sub-components under INREMP output/component 2, smallholder and institutional investments in conservation increased and URB productivity enhances in the forestry, agriculture and rural sectors’, namely: (i) Rehabilitation of Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS) and Related Infrastructure, and (ii) Strengthening of the Irrigators Associations (IA).